Archive for Apathy

Debate #1 Good Ole Fasion Slobber-Knocker… Romney Destroys and Makes Obama A VICTIM of Congress

Posted in Historian David E Kaiser, Hope & Change, Is A Fag, Obama and his Friends, Obama Economy, Obama The Great VICTIM, Romney Obama Debate, Self-Determination, There is NO Hope in Blind Faith with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 4, 2012 by The Political Pyro

I don’t trust politicians… and when I think about it, I don’t like them very much either.

I learned a huge lesson from the last presidential election that will not be learned again.  So here, this flea on an elephants ass of a blog… I will tell you the lesson learned.


The President did not seem presidential, did he?  Barack wistfulness posture seemed addlepated or plain catatonic  What gives, I said when looking into the dreamy eyes of the Barack loving wife.  Where is your boy, does he know he know he’s getting his ass handed to him… a good ole’ slobber knocker butt kicking?

The wife is a great chick barometer… Shes has read so many books about how chicks feel and why they feel the way they do, I would… No, I could be a male guru of women’s emotional soul.

Anywhat… her response reminded of the lesson, you ready for this pretzel-logic.  “What do you expect” she exclaimed, “The poor guy has nearly killed himself for us, look at him, that’s no respect you’re seeing… He’s bewildered!”

Now when the wife starts speaking about the emotional its best to keep mouth closed and stare at her nose… I don’t know why it works but it does.  She went on… “Last time (2008 Election) he was this and he was that… conspiracy and his qualifications based on his race…”  OOPS… STOP RIGHT HERE… analysis time.

Hmmm… True / False #1: His race cannot be a factor for creating apathy as before (T or F)  True, well False… not the same kind with the same use of the emotional but… none the less a VICTIM.

And what I had anticipated today from last nights performance by Barack and securing this VICTIM status materialized exactly how I thought it would… “Sweety” of 20 years married, “The luckiest man on Earth” as Mr Obama stated last night… Michelle.

Out front, defending her man with the following “Barack has done a phenomenal job working around a Congress that’s never been willing to help…”  A VICTIM of Congress?  Can that crap really fly?  All of us are VICTIMS at this point, don’t ya think?

When I see the wife tonight this idea will be place inside the emotional influx capacity pretzel logic machine for understanding the full value.

True / False #2:  Last election Obama’s experience did not matter?  (T or F)  True…  Those that supported Obama and False for those that did not.  Those that believed in his inexperience did for one purpose with two reasons.  Change:  Normal politicians with experience would be the same old same old… 2. Normal was white men ergo a black man would guarantee Change.

AND NOW with Michelle assertions that Congress is to blame… you see where this is going?

Another matter would be the Romney TRUTH given in the 47% are VICTIMS… Right?  I will give again, VICTIMS.

All the talking heads must have never played football… When you have a lead that you believe is insurmountable and the fans can also realize this, you do not roll up the score using your best players.  Barack benched the 47% for this reason and for the just in case moment.  It was a smart move on Obama’s behalf.

Then it would be are old friend and master of political linguistic parlance… Pastor Manning.

Did Obama Pull the Chair?